Click a cell to test it. If there are 0 mines next to the cell, it will clear and continue clearing. Otherwise it will show you how many mines are touching that cell.
Right-Click a cell to cycle it's mark. Purple cells are tentatively marked to help you keep track. Red cells are ones you have marked as mines.
If you test a cell and it's a mine, game over.
To win, mark all the mines red, and get rid of every other cell.
Backa game by Drew Strickland.
Recently I did an interview for a consulting position. The interviewing developer happened to be a veteran of the gaming industry, and more or less had me whiteboard Minesweeper. Normally, for these types of interviews, they ask you to do, FizzBuzz, or OOP with "give the dog legs", or maybe even some basic debugging with some code on paper. Minesweeper on a whiteboard was a welcome refreshing change.
Before this interview, even though I have always been interested in game development, I had never looked at, or even really thought about, how Minesweeper works. Because of that, this was probably the most fun I have ever had whiteboarding, so much in fact, I brought it home and kept going.
Earlier this year, I promised myself I was going to release at least one game in 2016. I never would have imagined it would be a version of Minesweeper, but once I really got into it, this was a really fun experience.
This game uses THREE.js for rendering. The majority of the game logic is written in ES2015, then run through babel to work in browsers.
Because this game exists mostly to fulfill my personal goals and as an exploration of the pitfalls of JavaScript GC, I have released the source as a public github repo.